This weeks Podcast features 8 things you can’t skip if you want to rank number one.
I’ve got a great guest in the studio from Moz and can’t wait to share information with you!
Please find the transcript below:
Welcome to the plain white t shirt marketing show with award winning marketing expert, Eric Scott, your free resource for helping take your business to the next level. Here’s your host, Eric Siu.
No, we have an article that we’re discussing today called the eight major google ranking signals and see how major they really are. Maybe a little foreshadowing. Matter of fact, they start off by saying it’s no secret that Google’s ranking algorithm is made up of over 200 components for signals. They also say, look, in the seo isn’t about getting every tiny thing right. It’s about getting your priorities right, but we’ve put a list of the top together based on industry studies. He’s absolutely right. I could really stop the article right there because that was probably the most important thing. He said if you were to focus on all 200 plus signals that Google is looking for, there’s no way you would have the time to actually do it or the resources to actually do it affectively and so, so it’s important that you pick out what you can highlight and then use those.
Right. And so he picked out the top eight when that he feels are the top eight, which you should be working on 2017. I went through the article pretty thoroughly and I pretty much agree with his eight. He starts off, now he did. He did break down these eight factors into four different categories, right? So we got eight different factors for categories. Those categories are backlinks content, a tick Seo, a Ux you’ve experienced, right? So, so he starts off with backlinks number one, what your link score, not your quality score, and that’s your link profile, your link score. He goes on to say the score is made up by every incoming links, individual quality score, and the number of links to the site. Right? So this is really like an link evaluation. He’s saying that one of the biggest, one of the eight major factors for ranking in Google this year is the importance and the, uh, the how good your own links he is, right?
And so you want to make sure that your lead score is actually scoring pretty well. Oh, how do you do that? He said, is this made up of, um, of every incoming links, quality score, right? The page rank affected by that link that’s coming in. So you want to make sure all the links that you’re building, right, the links that you’re trying to get inbound to your site, well, you want to make sure that they are coming from a reputable place first, right? So that way you kind of start off, right? And then once you do that, then you want to increase the number of links you have and that, oh, the, your score right now, how do you do that? Oh, one of my recommendations is to go after the highly valuable, a low hanging fruit. Right? So, so I tell people all the time, maybe maybe you are in a service business and you provide a certain product or service, a build links from your manufacturers, build links from your partners, build links from your distributors.
Any of these people who have sites with pretty big domain names, you should have a profile on their site, like if you were an AC guy and you sell American Standard Ac. Then on American standards will site. You should be listed as a distributor, as a reseller, as a go to person for this with a complete profile that includes a link to your website that’s a really low hanging, easy to get high quality link, and you rinse and repeat that for whatever industry you’re in, right? If you’re, especially if you’re in retail then and you’re just retail and products, I’d be trying to get links from every manufacturer of whatever product I sold A. Yeah, find your higher quality links, manufacturers and distributors. Number two, two, he says, anchor texts, relevance, or he’s still talking backlinks. He says, anchor texts, relevance, but not too much of it.
He goes on to say anchor text is another part of the backlink concept that matters for rankings. He says, your backlinks anchors tell Google what your page is about and what it should rank for. And so he’s right, but the reason he put in parentheses, but not too much of it was because we know that there was an exact match algorithm penalty for that. So you don’t want a whole bunch of links that all use your target key phrase, right? You really kind of need to find mix. You need to find a mix of, um, target key phrase, maybe literally anchor text that says website, maybe some anchor texts that says click here, maybe some anchor text that says company or, or things like that. Or maybe even host all phrases like, uh, the top position snatchers would be anchor text Nikki to our podcast, right?
And so he says, make sure you have anchor texts, relevance. What I’m adding to that is make sure you have that, you, that you carefully have a variety of different types of anchor texts. Some of the most popular ones again, or would be the domain name would be click here, it would be company, and so get a good mix of those within the content so now you won’t be penalized for having too much of a exact match anchor text. He moves on to the next section which was content and number three, three. I’m a three years a keyword usage. He goes on to say, uh, using keywords or variations in the title tag is still important in 2017. He says, the Meta description can also boost relevance, though it carries this weight. Then it says, keywords in the pages body have the most weight in these right?
Like it’s important that you use these keywords. There are a lot of theories out there that talk about keywords aren’t being important and it’s all about contextual, this and that which is true. Like you do have to have some contextual stuff in there, right? Use the right keywords, topics and synonyms and things like that, but don’t get it twisted. You must have your target key phrase in this content, preferably in the title, in the header. Enter description in the content, he’s absolutely right, and what does that really mean? Optimizer page that sufficiently what you’re saying, once you’ve identified what that phrase is, take the time and actually do the Seo work, the actual on page seo work because it’s apparently one of eight major google ranking signals in 2017. Yep. Number four, look for the lit and we’re talking about the content. The lift of your content.
Yeah. He says as Google puts it, the amount of content. So first off he says clearly there is no ideal amount of content you need to have, which is true. Matter of fact, Google book goes on to put it and says the amount of content necessary for the page to be satisfying depends on the topic and purpose of the page. And so that’s, that’s from Google’s mouth, right? So they’re literally saying, no, it’s not 500 words. No, it’s not 800 words. It’s whatever is a monk necessary to get your message across. Right? And so I think what that really means is it just take your time and write DC content and if it’s 500 words, great. If it’s 1500 words super, but the key is the content is it has value. Now what I will say is I like to give a number. I think that 800 words has been our target between six and 800 words for a page of content and frankly if you me more than 800 words to describe it, then it probably shouldn’t be like a straight page of content is you’d probably be like a blog post or a guide or something else, and so when you consider your kind of main landing page, main target page content, I think that 800 words just works due to presentation really is not.
No really long. It don’t take five or six scrolls to get to the bottom of the page. Right? It’s a better user experience. Now that is with the caveat that we haven’t mentioned in the article because they’re one of us. One of the factors is depending on the industry and at the end of the day it goes back to what we say in our podcast all the time. If you’re providing a good experience for did you Google user exactly. Then Google’s going to look favorably upon you on the industry, so for example, maybe this is healthcare right now you’re talking about diabetes or whatever it is and some new whatever. That’s should be a long article just by the nature of the industry and the subject matter. This would probably be 2000 words. You got some new healthcare article and this 400 words is probably spam. It’s probably do and it probably has no value.
Yeah, Google understands that and so yeah, you want to make sure that the lift is consistent with what you’re talking about. I can dig it. Number five, the comprehensiveness he’s talking about the content. He goes on to say one of rankbrain. Rankbrain was an attitude to Google’s algorithm to help you index sites faster for it to easily understand what are all these sites about and what the content is about. Artificial intelligence. Yeah, exactly. And so basically he says, one of rank brain functions is analyzing the results with good user satisfaction metrics and identifying their common features. Right? And so, so this is literally speaking to the, to the quality of your content that you’re writing. He called a comprehensive comprehensiveness. Dude’s your content. Make sense essentially is what disease are you? Is your content trying to prove that the sky is not blue? That is orange, right?
Then, then it’s not. It’s not comprehensive. It’s your content tilt that everybody that two plus two is really five point four. Then your contents not comprehensive and Google’s rank brain understands that is what he’s saying and so we’re telling you that it’s important that when you write this content that it makes sense. It makes sense for your industry. It makes sense for for the topic you’re talking about. Make sense from a perspective that your users who actually read it comprehend and understand what it is because they, if they can’t write, brand surely won’t and you won’t rank well for it, and so it’s important that the content you do develop, it’s comprehensive well and that it’s appropriate to the subject matter. Right? I mean that’s really what you’re saying does it, does do, do they read the article and then go back to the search result page and find another article because your article was a good one, man.
Check your bounce rate. Yeah, absolutely. Yeah, I was number five, so number six, six, page speed, and I switching categories. Now we’re going to tend to quit Seo. Page speed is number six. He says Google is pages to load in two seconds or less and they’ve officially confirmed that speed is a ranking signal. This is pretty straightforward. Your site most load fast, period. No, the ain’t no reason why there is no valid excuse for slow loading page. There is no, no, no, no reason that Google will give you a pass and say, this page is so, but it’s okay because it’s contents. Awesome. Figure it out and they ain’t going to happen. If your page is slow, no matter how often they’re constantly is, no matter how great your images are, no matter how much greater customer services, no matter how good your product or service is, how great your company page is, slow down your pace just so and it’s not going to write for a disadvantage.
You’re at a disadvantage and so they say two seconds, that’s. That’s probably about right because when you consider on a mobile device, right? When you click a link and I’m on android and so the little boy starts going, yeah, I’m like 1001 needs to be making significant progress. Bar needs to be moving for me not to hit the back button. And so, and that’s just on a mobile device or desktop or probably less patient. And so, um, so the key is making sure you have the right pace. Speed. Now let me say it is obviously the easiest way or the most recommended way to check the page. Speed is to um, check page, speed insights through Google, right? So just keep in mind that if you know what I’m saying, there’s two to right and we’ll talk about the weaknesses of page insights from Google.
And then another one we’re going to do that just keep to just keep in mind that that data is really informational, right? Because a lot of the things, what I’ve seen, we’ve had sites where we’ve built what we’ve like literally compressed all the images, minimize the javascript, minimize the CSS, did all of those things and they load faster and they load fast. And then Google says, hey, this is poor because you didn’t compress images, you didn’t minimize the CSS when we actually did do that. And so my point is, when you check google page speed insights, take with a grain of salt, right? Because at the end of the day is just kind of giving you best practice and then you know you need to execute a tool. We use Pingdom, go to Pingdom and I’ll give you a really good analysis of what’s what, how long each component of your web pages taken top on the header, took the load. How long do you further took the load? How long his image, this video, so you can understand the way you need to go fix it. That’s number six was pe speed number seven, seven mobile friendliness. He says, if your pages are optimized for smartphones, they won’t rate in mobile search at all. Right?
Enough. Said jail. Just going to let that marinate for a second. You know what’s interesting? It makes me think about. We had a client in in California, bear with us for about three years now, two years. And so anyway, when they came on a great surface, a great company, great content on their site, especially now we’ve been rewriting and doing all of this stuff. But when they originally came on, no mobile readiness at all, right? And we rebuilt the site, put it on wordpress, made it responses, made it quick and fast, and they literally saw double the amount of traffic like two weeks after site launch. And it was because now you’re mobile friendly. I remember they couldn’t even believe they didn’t. They were in the monthly results called right. We have a month and results call with all of our clients and they’re like, so are you saying that because we’re now mobile friendly, that’s why our traffic is up.
And I’m saying they did not believe exactly. That’s exactly why your traffic is up. And so it’s that important. And just consider the fact that Google is gradually shifting over to a mobile first index and so you want to make sure that your site is mobile friendly. At the end of the day, out of the, out of the 10 clients that I looked at reports in the last two weeks, I can literally tell you that 60 percent of them had a significant increase in mobile traffic. Yeah, right. Mobile is going to keep growing and they will only continue to keep growing. There are lists and lists people using desktop devices. You have to be mobile friendly, that if there’s no, there’s no excuse. There’s no caviat. There is no alternative. You know what I’m saying? You just have to be mobile friendly. Absolutely. Oh, his last one. Number Eight, eight is the click through rate and he switched his last category about user experience and number eight is the click through rate.
He says a Serp as the search engine results page click through rate. Your ctr is the ratio of the number of times search listing was clicked through the number of times it was displayed to the searchers, right? That’s your. That’s your ctr. And so he’s saying your click through rate is a ranking factor. Yes, it is. Google wants people to click through to your site. If they keep showing you and the number two position and and no one’s clicking on your ad, then you’ll probably be in the number three position and officially number five and eventually number eight and off to page two and beyond because with the dead body, with the dead bodies, because nobody’s clicking on your ad. However, maybe you’re in position three and you’ve been hovering there for awhile, but you get a lot of clicks. People are clicking this, your, your listing. You probably move up to number two and eventually one because people are engaging, they use experiences there. You actually have content that people want to absorb. Wanting to read
what I would add to that, right, so yes, one, you gotta get them to click through, right? So that’s incredibly powerful. But if they land on your page and bounce literally back then you could have an adverse effect, right? Because Google knows, okay, you’re on the search engine result page. You’ve gone somewhere in your, your audience has gone. Some gone to your website and they’ve come back to that search engine result page and clicks something else. Now Google says, well, they didn’t stay there very long. It’s not been good content. I would even argue that’s more important than the initial clifton. Right, so maybe your your Meta descriptions not that good, but when people click through, they stay a long time and they never come back to the search and result page and clicks something else. That’s value.
So what I added to this was adjustable Sissy alluded to adjust your middle, your metatags, but just your description of just those titles because you want to increase clickthroughs. You may have to be a little bit promotional in the title. You may have to include a cta in that description, but whatever you do do that so they can click through and then more importantly, yeah, make sure that there is continuity after they click, if they, whatever you put in that description should be what they see on the page. So when they do click, you don’t run the risk of them bouncing immediately. They’ll actually hang around and absorb the content. So click through rates are definitely one of the eight major google ranking signals. That was number eight. Number seven was a girl’s number seven, number seven was mobile friendliness. Number six was page speed, number five, and comprehensiveness.
Number four was the length of your content. Number three was the key word, usage, or number two was the anchor texts, relevancy, and number one was the next score. Dude, I can dig it up. Oh yeah. He didn’t mention anything about video on here. He didn’t mention anything about social strategy. Um, and so those are some things that I thought would have kind of made a top eight and in reference to Google ranking factors, but the ones that makes sense, but, um, I would’ve liked to see something extra. Also something social, I would think there’s social has had a bigger impact. Social and video. Absolutely. So that could, could have made it 10 easily. He made a tan easily. Yeah. Um, but, but I just want to thank you. Thank you all. You podcast listeners, all those reviews that say love the content. They lead the engagement. It means a lot. That’s what keeps us going. And so, so just from the bottom of my heart. Thank you for your retweets, for your shares, but your likes for your comments. For all of that.
I’m going to add you to one right now. This is from Catherine, and it is. I hope it all works out for everybody. You deserve success, so thank you so much. Absolutely. Absolutely. All right, so you have been listening to the best Seo podcast on itunes. Until that you guys have made us the most popular us, the most popular podcast on Itunes, we’d really appreciate it. Thank you guys for tuning in. We’ll see you again.
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